Our Corner KIDS
Early Childhood
Our Goal
To provide a safe, warm, and loving church home where children can learn about God and His deep love for them.
Sundays @ 9:00AM & 10:45AM, we have wonderful classes for Birth through Kindergarten.
What to Expect
All children (Birth - Kindergarten) are given a security/identification tag each week upon arrival. The tag has the child's name and security number. The parent is given the corresponding security label. If a parent is needed during worship service, he/she will receive a text message.
All classrooms are staffed with a minimum of two workers on from Kids Ministry Team who have been thoroughly interviewed, run through a federal background check, trained, and equipped for their positions.
For children under 2 years, we have rooms safely designed to meet their needs. We have changing areas, bottle warmers, clean linens, cribs, and plenty of toys! We have a designated room in the nursery for mothers who are nursing.
Each week our 2 year olds - Kindergarteners receive biblical teaching at their level of understanding. They have a classroom schedule that includes indoor and outdoor play times, a bible story with a correlating craft and worksheet, a snack time of goldfish crackers and apple juice, and individual creative plans from each teacher.
Elementary Ministry (1st - 5th Grade)
Our Goal
To equip young minds with the tools needed to study, understand, and apply God's Word to their lives and to lead children to build their faith in Jesus.
There are 2 available classes during our service:
1st to 3rd Graders
4th to 5th Graders
Classes are Sundays at 9:00AM & 10:45AM.
What to Expect
Our elementary children start their time worshipping and playing together, then divide into classes for first and second, third and fourth and fifth.
They receive strong biblical teaching, as well as have a lot of fun with games and crafts. We encourage the kids to bring their Bibles to class.
We have the most wonderful group of volunteers who serve wholeheartedly and love teaching your children about God's amazing love.
Questions about Kids Ministries on Our Corner please contact our Kids Ministry Director Jo-Anne Gerry email: joanne.gerry@camchristian.com